Saturday, December 20, 2008
Howard Werth - 1978 - Obsolete/Mangoman 7''
Chaos U.K. - 1982 - Burning Britain EP
Angry Samoans - 1982 - Back From Samoa
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Rudi - 1982 - Crimson 7''
Here's what Brian had to say about the song "14 Steps"The B-side '14 Steps' is about much the same thing (as 'Crimson') only it's just saying you only get one life so don't waste it or poison it with guilt, hate and other fun emotions. The title came out of us wondering (probably drunkenly!!) why there are always the same number of steps in a staircase...(14... ulp! what were we on!) That's it in a nutshell.. Both were recorded in a few hours in Konk Studios in London and produced by Dave Woolley who engineered some Jam stuff but had never produced a record in his life before! We had wanted Mike Robinson who did the BBC session which we loved to produce the record but Jamming! couldn't afford the £200 he wanted paid to do it. Dave did O.K. though. Robin Richards who did so many of the old punk t-shirts did the sleeve for free - it was his wife on the front of we thought the finished article coulda been produced better but it did real well for fact one of the best memories I have of the time I was in RUDI was the last night of our stint as support to the Jam on the Transglobal unity express Tour when we played the Queens Hall Leeds which was the biggest venue we ever played to a packed house and Dave Liddle (Paul Weller's guitar roadie) introduced us with the news that Sounds had made 'Crimson' 'Single Of The Week'..and we went down a storm.... We always said it was up to the listener to decide what the songs were about and whatever it meant to them was what it was about...(just remembered one guy thunk it was a song advocating well!) ya can't win em all!" ...and "Crimson" "Ronnie, Grimmy and I wrote it when we were still a 3 piece and the riff and intro were originally part of a song called 'Murder on The Second Floor' which never quite came off.. A few months later as if by magic we'd kicked it into shape and Crimson was born..! Unlike most bands we did write our songs together..words and just worked better that way.. We used to get slagged for writing 'obscure' lyrics - well they weren't obscure to us - but we hated the dumb sloganeering that was so prevalent at the time (and we'd done some ourselves when we were starting out..!) we let people figger it our for themselves..Crimson, like a lot of our later songs was political - but with a small 'p'...not silly party political crap but I s'pose what people would call personal politics..though we never sat down and figgered that out! Idiot English journalists used to criticise us and the Undertones for not writing about the situation here - we always did but we avoided all the dumb cliches so I guess they missed the if we cared! Anyways the way we put it was that we couldn't have written the songs we did living anywhere else but Belfast... Crimson was our quirky way of saying that if you wanna do something with your life, or change your life or whatever, that it was up to you to do it..and that no one else would do it for ya..but that there was always hope..even when it looked impossible...we wuz kinda optimistic back then!"
Thanks to Brian Young for info and covers!
UHF - 1981 - À Flor Da Pele
from Portugal
Os UHF são uma banda de rock portuguesa formada nos fins dos anos 70 mais precisamente em 1978, sendo a formação inicial composta por Américo Manuel (bateria), Carlos Peres (viola-baixo), Renato Gomes (Guitarra) e António Manuel Ribeiro (voz e guitarra).
O primeiro concerto do grupo foi no dia 20 de Novembro de 1978, no Bar É, em Lisboa, juntamente com os Aqui d’el-Rock, Minas e Armadilhas e Os Faíscas.
Foi este grupo que editou o primeiro EP da Banda chamado de "Jorge Morreu" em 1979 pela Metro-Som. "Jorge morreu" era dedicado a um amigo do baixista Carlos Peres que falecera no Algarve em circunstâncias trágicas e nunca esclarecidas, depois de se ter envolvido na toxicodependência. O corpo apareceu desfigurado pelo motor de um barco e "Jorge" ficou para a posteridade no primeiro disco dos UHF. Com os temas "Jorge Morreu", "Caçada" e "Aquela Maria".
Nesta altura os UHF percorriam o país inteiro, chegam mesmo a fazer a primeira parte dos concertos de Elvis Costello & The Attractions e Dr. Feelgood
A segunda formação da banda era formada por António Manuel Ribeiro (voz, guitarra e teclas), Renato Gomes (guitarra), Carlos Peres baixo e Zé Carvalho (bateria).
A segunda formação dos UHF após a edição do segundo single Cavalos de corrida , e do terceiro Rua do Carmo , gravou três álbuns de bastante sucesso, À Flor da Pele, Estou de Passagem e Persona Non Grata.
No dia 16 de Agosto de 1980 participam no I Festival Rock, que decorreu na Praça de Touros de Cascais, com Skids, Tourists, Original Mirrors e 999.
Em 1980 tocaram com Uriah Heep,Ramones e os UFO.
Tocaram juntamente com outros grupos no 2º aniversário do programa ROCK EM STOCK no dia 19 de Abril de 1981, no Pavilhão do Restelo. Actuaram os Street Kids, NZZN, GNR, Jáfumega, Roxigénio, UHF e Arte e Oficio.
Em 1981 tocaram com Téléphone e os Dexy’s Midnight Runners.
Os UHF em 1981 deram 138 concertos.
O grupo assinalou o vigésimo aniversário do lançamento do primeiro disco do grupo com um concerto no dia 25 de Junho de 1999, na Praça Sony do Parque das Nações, e com a edição, programada, de um disco duplo que reúne os principais sucessos da banda e que é já disco de prata só à conta das pré-vendas para as lojas.
Foram um dos principais responsáveis pelo ‘boom’ do chamado rock português surgido no início dos anos 80 visto que, até essa altura, as editoras portuguesas não apostavam em bandas rock que cantassem em português, e, diga-se a verdade, os jovens portugueses preferiam a música cantada em inglês.
OS UHF já tinham gravado um EP quando Rui Veloso, considerado por muitos o pai do rock português, gravou o seu primeiro álbum Ar de rock
O primeiro concerto do grupo foi no dia 20 de Novembro de 1978, no Bar É, em Lisboa, juntamente com os Aqui d’el-Rock, Minas e Armadilhas e Os Faíscas.
Foi este grupo que editou o primeiro EP da Banda chamado de "Jorge Morreu" em 1979 pela Metro-Som. "Jorge morreu" era dedicado a um amigo do baixista Carlos Peres que falecera no Algarve em circunstâncias trágicas e nunca esclarecidas, depois de se ter envolvido na toxicodependência. O corpo apareceu desfigurado pelo motor de um barco e "Jorge" ficou para a posteridade no primeiro disco dos UHF. Com os temas "Jorge Morreu", "Caçada" e "Aquela Maria".
Nesta altura os UHF percorriam o país inteiro, chegam mesmo a fazer a primeira parte dos concertos de Elvis Costello & The Attractions e Dr. Feelgood
A segunda formação da banda era formada por António Manuel Ribeiro (voz, guitarra e teclas), Renato Gomes (guitarra), Carlos Peres baixo e Zé Carvalho (bateria).
A segunda formação dos UHF após a edição do segundo single Cavalos de corrida , e do terceiro Rua do Carmo , gravou três álbuns de bastante sucesso, À Flor da Pele, Estou de Passagem e Persona Non Grata.
No dia 16 de Agosto de 1980 participam no I Festival Rock, que decorreu na Praça de Touros de Cascais, com Skids, Tourists, Original Mirrors e 999.
Em 1980 tocaram com Uriah Heep,Ramones e os UFO.
Tocaram juntamente com outros grupos no 2º aniversário do programa ROCK EM STOCK no dia 19 de Abril de 1981, no Pavilhão do Restelo. Actuaram os Street Kids, NZZN, GNR, Jáfumega, Roxigénio, UHF e Arte e Oficio.
Em 1981 tocaram com Téléphone e os Dexy’s Midnight Runners.
Os UHF em 1981 deram 138 concertos.
O grupo assinalou o vigésimo aniversário do lançamento do primeiro disco do grupo com um concerto no dia 25 de Junho de 1999, na Praça Sony do Parque das Nações, e com a edição, programada, de um disco duplo que reúne os principais sucessos da banda e que é já disco de prata só à conta das pré-vendas para as lojas.
Foram um dos principais responsáveis pelo ‘boom’ do chamado rock português surgido no início dos anos 80 visto que, até essa altura, as editoras portuguesas não apostavam em bandas rock que cantassem em português, e, diga-se a verdade, os jovens portugueses preferiam a música cantada em inglês.
OS UHF já tinham gravado um EP quando Rui Veloso, considerado por muitos o pai do rock português, gravou o seu primeiro álbum Ar de rock
source Wikipedia (link)
Attic - 1980 - All Plans Exist EP

sorry for the cover, but if you got a better one please send it to me...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Pseudo Existors - 2006 - Stamp Out Normality

Inspired by The Clash, The Damned and the Ramones the Pseudo Existors formed in Lincoln in April 1978. The band played only one gig before entering a recording studio for the first time in February 1979. Described by the engineer as "the most amateurish band he’d ever worked with", the sessions yielded 4-tracks of stunning belligerent punk rock with a total who gives a ****? attitude. The tracks were soon picked up by Dead Good Records.
Supported by John Peel radio play the 7" sells 500 in the first week and enters the indie charts at No.6, eventually selling 7000 copies. It is now a collectors’ item.
Prestigious gigs followed supporting the Angelic Upstarts and Punishment of Luxury amongst others and in July 1979 they again enter the recording studio and record 4 more stunning tracks. Two appear on the Dead Good compilation album ‘East’, the other two remain unreleased.
Shortly after recording these tracks, the band ran out of steam and called it a day, disappearing forever into punk rock folklore.
This album compiles their EP, the two tracks on the ‘East’ compilation album ‘, the other two unreleased studio tracks, one live set and other unreleased live tracks all packaged in a 12 page booklet with a detailed band history.
Supported by John Peel radio play the 7" sells 500 in the first week and enters the indie charts at No.6, eventually selling 7000 copies. It is now a collectors’ item.
Prestigious gigs followed supporting the Angelic Upstarts and Punishment of Luxury amongst others and in July 1979 they again enter the recording studio and record 4 more stunning tracks. Two appear on the Dead Good compilation album ‘East’, the other two remain unreleased.
Shortly after recording these tracks, the band ran out of steam and called it a day, disappearing forever into punk rock folklore.
This album compiles their EP, the two tracks on the ‘East’ compilation album ‘, the other two unreleased studio tracks, one live set and other unreleased live tracks all packaged in a 12 page booklet with a detailed band history.
source Amazon (link)
and thanks to NDN Records for the cover!
Sick Things - 1997 - Sounds Of Silence (1980 - 1981)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ground Zero - 1980 - Born To Be Bombed 7''
Dow Jones and The Industrials - 1980 - Hoosier Hysteria 12''

Dow Jones and the Industrials were a punk band from West Lafeyette, Indiana from the late 1970s until about 1981. During this time, they released a split LP with Gizmos, entitled "Hoosier Hysteria", and a self-titled 7" EP. A Track of theirs, "Ladies With Appliances", was also featured on the "Red Snerts" compilation.
Originally, the band consisted of Greg Horn on guitar and vocals, Chris Clark on bass and vocals, Tim North on drums, and Brad Garton (otherwise known as "Mr. Science") on keyboards. The use of a keyboard, and the band's flirtation with electronic sounds, meant that Dow Jones and the Industrials hinted towards the post-punk sound of bands that would follow them.
In 1980, they released two records. Firstly, the split LP "Hoosier Hysteria". This was released on Gulcher Records, and also featured the Gizmos. Secondly, they released a self-titled 7" EP on Hardly Music Records.
In 1981, the band's track "Ladies With Appliances" was featured on the Red Snerts compilation released by Gulcher Records. By this time, Chris Clark had left, to be replaced by Jenny Sweeny on bass. Brad Garton had also left the group. He appeared as "Mr. Science" on the compilation, contributing a track entitled "Mr. Science".
After the demise of Dow Jones and the Industrials, Greg Horn went on to form Tone Set with Galen Herod. During the years 1983 to 1990, he also released two solo cassettes, both in a similar stylistic vein as that of Tone Set. He has also released material under the name Pointless, produced music for Japanese TV commercials, and for Nickelodeon's "Eureeka's Castle".
Originally, the band consisted of Greg Horn on guitar and vocals, Chris Clark on bass and vocals, Tim North on drums, and Brad Garton (otherwise known as "Mr. Science") on keyboards. The use of a keyboard, and the band's flirtation with electronic sounds, meant that Dow Jones and the Industrials hinted towards the post-punk sound of bands that would follow them.
In 1980, they released two records. Firstly, the split LP "Hoosier Hysteria". This was released on Gulcher Records, and also featured the Gizmos. Secondly, they released a self-titled 7" EP on Hardly Music Records.
In 1981, the band's track "Ladies With Appliances" was featured on the Red Snerts compilation released by Gulcher Records. By this time, Chris Clark had left, to be replaced by Jenny Sweeny on bass. Brad Garton had also left the group. He appeared as "Mr. Science" on the compilation, contributing a track entitled "Mr. Science".
After the demise of Dow Jones and the Industrials, Greg Horn went on to form Tone Set with Galen Herod. During the years 1983 to 1990, he also released two solo cassettes, both in a similar stylistic vein as that of Tone Set. He has also released material under the name Pointless, produced music for Japanese TV commercials, and for Nickelodeon's "Eureeka's Castle".
source Wikipedia (link)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Black Easter - 1982 - Ready to Rot 7''
222s, The - 2007 - Montreal Punk '78-'81
One of the first punks bands to emerge from Montreal in a decidedly uninviting musical climate, the 222s were an aggressive mixture of New York Dolls glam and Stooges riffing. While the band’s name was somewhat tarnished towards the end of their career when they were forced by a few local gangsters-cum-record producers to record an awful teen pop single at gunpoint, the tracks represented on this 14-song collection demonstrate an exciting and at the time, totally new musical approach. Formed in the incredibly hostile-to-punk ’70s Montreal music scene, the band managed to produce and record some excellent, catchy and occasionally funny singles, from the sexually charged humour of “Female” to the much darker, dynamic “Academic Drop.” The latter is easily one of the strongest songs here, with a explosive finale not unlike the Clash’s first substantial sonic departure, “Complete Control.” Rounded out by a few rough-sounding live numbers that sound an awful lot like Teenage Head, the band’s best is found in the demos from the collection’s first half. This is a gritty snapshot of an exciting moment in Montreal’s musical development. (Sonik's Chicken Shrimp)
By Sam Sutherland (link)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Radio Stars - 1977 - Songs For Swinging Lovers
Neon Boys, The / Richard Hell and The Voidoids - That's All I Know (Right Now) 7''
A1 Neon Boys, The - That's All I Know (Right Now)
A2 Neon Boys, The - Love Comes In Spurts
A3 Neon Boys, The - High Heeled Wheels
B1 Richard Hell & The Voidoids - Time
B2 Richard Hell & The Voidoids - Don't Die
Elvis Costello and The Attractions - 1979 - Armed Forces (extra tracks 1993)

1. Accidents Will Happen
2. Senior Service
3. Oliver's Army
4. Big Boys
5. Green Shirt
6. Party Girl
7. Goon Squad
8. Busy Bodies
9. Sunday's Best
10. Moods for Moderns
11. Chemistry Class
12. Two Little Hitlers
13. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding? - Elvis Costello, Lowe, Nick
14. My Funny Valentine - Elvis Costello, Rodgers, Richard
15. Tiny Steps
16. Clean Money
17. Talking in the Dark
18. Wednesday Week
19. Accidents Will Happen
20. Alison
21. Watching the Detectives
Cigarettes - 1978 - Gimme Cigarettes 7''
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