Sunday, March 1, 2009

Luti Chroma - 1980 - Luti Chroma LP (IT)

Luti Chroma - 1980 - Luti Chroma LP (IT)


Anonymous said...

Another Italian rarity... Thanks! Most of these early Italian punk bands sound too clumsy-rockish for my ears but I'm curious anyway. I confess I was kinda disappointed with the Rosa Shocking single for instance - I had found some of their songs around but were much more aggressive. Have you heard Sorella Maldestra? That's another story, hehehe (Me ne frego, Noia, etc). And well maybe the Hit(ler)SS and some others.
Thanks & saludos
Fernando :)

isksp said...

yeah, this italian bands sound a little bit different than the music made in other countries... but i think thats the fun of it...

anyway, i got the sorella maldestra LP from 1979, i think this is their only realese right? already ready to be posted

Anonymous said...

Well, most of early Spanish punk was also very rockish with a bit of edge and freako lyrics, not so different, haha. Yes, I think Sorella Maldestra only made a tape (cant remember the title now... "Cadavere"?) on Harpo's and, some time after, it was reissued as an LP methinks.
Fernando :)