The Controllers were the first and the last band to play the legendary L.A. punk rock club The Masque. Formed by Johnny Stingray (guitar/vocals, later bass/vocals) and Kidd Spike (guitar/vocals) in the late spring of 1977. Like most of the early California punk bands their original releases have become collectors items. As far as I know no live bootlegs have been released although the band did quite a few gigs. They were around between 1977 and 1979. Kidd Spike also played with The Gears and Johnny Stingray formed KAOS. Ex-members of The Controllers and The Skulls played together in Skull Control between 1991 and 1997. Out of that the Controllers re-united for a few gigs in 1996. Skull Control released a full-length CD - Radio Danger - on Iloki Records in the early '90s. If you like PUNK both in music and attitude you need THE CONTROLLERS in your record collection. I mean it, man, they were a really great band!
source Johnny Stingray's site (link)
great band and '7 inch, it's also part of my collection
thanx for this EP man...I am looking for KAOS product of a sick mind EP 1980, do you have it as well?
yeah, i got it...
post in a while (sorry for taking so long to answer)
Great site. Lots of great music. Rapidshare says there's been a download limit of 10 reached. Anyway to change that?
Thanks again.
doesn't know anything about this limit (no one complain until now)... i just put the file in the sharebee hehe
you've try the others sites?
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